The average adult will have 3 molars in each quadrant of the mouth. The third molars are often referred to as “wisdom teeth.” Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth. They erupt around the ages of 17-21. It is common for wisdom teeth to never erupt at all.
When wisdom teeth erupt in the correct spot and can fully erupt, they can be healthy and assist in chewing. Unfortunately, often this is not the case. If there is not enough room for the wisdom teeth to come in correctly, problems can occur. Wisdom teeth are monitored at you hygiene appointments. A special x-ray called a panoramic is taken and used to monitor them. They are evaluated for correct positioning, available spacing, and it the wisdom teeth are erupted or impacted(covered in bone).
If a wisdom tooth cannot fully erupt, the risk for tooth decay increases. The decay can then be shared with neighboring teeth. A partially erupted wisdom tooth can have a flap of gum tissue covering part of it. Food and bacteria can accumulate under that gum tissue causing the tooth to decay. Crowding of the teeth can also happen when a wisdom tooth comes in with too little space. It pushes against the other teeth causing them to crowd. This can also increase the risk for tooth decay because crowded teeth are more difficult to keep free of bacteria/plaque.
If removal is deemed the best treatment option for your oral health we will recommend the wisdom teeth be removed. Removal is done by an oral surgeon. This is because they have the best equiptment to do this and offer more pain management options like sedation. Our office will provide information for the oral surgeon that we feel provides great care for our patients. The first appointment with the oral surgeon will be a consultation appointment. At that time the oral surgeon will work with you to decide upon a treatment plan that works the best for you. This way there are no surprises 🙂
If you have any concerns about your wisdom teeth, let your hygienist know at your next hygiene appointment or call our office to schedule an appointment to have them evaluated.