There have been many links in recent years with dental health and cardiovascular disease. After attending a continuing education course in Hudsonville, MI we came across new information we would like to pass on to you. “In spite of impressive technologic advances in the field of medicine, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death in the US. In our dental offices we are seeing more patients with CVD. Greater than 1 in 3 of our adult patients have one or more types of CVD and it is most common medical condition that dental professionals confront, therefore we need to be aware of the many crucial issues that we face when treating these patients.” James Lichon RPh, DDS, NCCM
The importance of excellent oral hygiene is vital when confronting heart disease. The risk of bacteria in the mouth can be circulated throughout the body in a matter of seconds. By reducing bacterial counts with good home care; which will decrease the risk of bacterial plaque buildup in the arteries of the heart decreasing your risk for heart disease. It is important to maintain healthy eating habits and an exercise program to allow the heart to function at its best.