If your child sucks on a pacifier or thumb or fingers after the age of 2 it may effect the shape of their mouth and the alignment of their teeth. If your child stops sucking their thumb, fingers or pacifier before the permanent teeth erupt there is a good chance the bite will correct itself. However, if the bite does not correct itself orthodontic treatment may be needed to realign the teeth and correct the bite.
Here are some ideas to help your child quit the thumb/pacifier habit:
- Set a goal for how long our child will go without sucking their thumb or using the pacifier. Start with one day or even part of a day then aim for longer periods of time allowing them to pick a reward if they reach their goal.
- Always try to use positive reinforcement.
- Have the child use stickers on a chart to mark each day they go without thumb sucking or use of the pacifier.
- Praise your child when you see that they are not using the pacifier or thumb during an activity they usually would have been.
- Dollar store trips offer a great incentive for a child to quit the thumb/pacifier habit.
IF your child has a difficult time breaking the habit speak with your dentist about devices such as a thumb guard that can assist in breaking the thumb habit.