Say cheese! The calcium and phosphorous found in cheese is healthy for your teeth — it reduces the pH level in plaque and re-mineralizes the enamel. 60% of people who don’t know that a sore jaw, when combined with chest pain, can signal a heart attack-especially in women Each person’s set of teeth is unique […]
What Exactly Is Calculus?
When your dental hygienist says you have calculus on your teeth, have you ever wondered exactly what is calculus? According to Wikipedia the following is a very descriptive definition of calculus. In dentistry, calculus or tartar is a form of hardened dental plaque. It is caused by precipitation of minerals from saliva and gingival crevicular fluid […]
The Big Debate on Flossing!!
In recent news many people may have heard that there is questionable benefits regarding flossing your teeth. We here at Hastings Family Dental Care strongly believe that flossing your teeth and/or using an interdental cleaning tool is vital to a healthy mouth. Beware if any dentist tells you that you don’t need to floss. As dental professionals we care about […]
I Have Dentures…..Do I need to brush?
Yes. A soft-bristled toothbrush works well to clean full or partial dentures. There are also brushes specially designed for cleaning dentures, which have bristles arranged to fit the shape of the denture. Avoid hard bristles which will damage the surface of the denture. Denture cleaners, hand soap, mild dishwashing liquid or mild toothpaste are suggested for […]
How much sugar is in my favorite foods?
Kid Stuff Cheese Whiz 2g per 30g serving (2 tbsp) Kraft chunky peanut butter 1g per 15g (1 tbsp) Honey 16g per 15g (1 tbsp) Heinz ketchup 4g per 15g (1 tbsp) Classico pasta sauce 6g per 125mL Sugar in fruits Sugar content (g/100 gram food) Peaches, canned, heavy syrup pack, solids and liquids 18.64 […]
Tooth Whitening
Tray-Based Tooth Whiteners Tray-based tooth whitening systems, purchased from your dentist, involve filling a mouth guard-like tray with a gel whitening solution — which contains a peroxide-bleaching agent. The tray is worn for a period of time, generally from a 30 to 60 minutes a day up to four weeks and even longer (depending on the […]
What is baby bottle decay?
In honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month we wanted to take a look at baby bottle decay. Tooth decay in infants and very young children is often referred to as baby bottletooth decay. Baby bottletooth decay happens when sweetened liquids or those with natural sugars (like milk, formula, and fruit juice) cling to […]
Do you clench or grind your teeth?
Bruxism also termed teeth grinding, is the excessive grinding of the teeth and/or clenching of the jaw. It is an oral parafunctional activity; i.e., it is unrelated to normal function such as eating or talking. Bruxism is a common problem; reports of prevalence range from 8–31% in the general population. Several […]
Why do we take blood pressures at your dental appointment???
We here at Hastings Family Dental Care not only care about your dental health we care about your overall general health. Hypertension, the medical term for high blood pressure, is the most common primary diagnosis in the United States. It is a major cause of cardiovascular (“cardio” – heart; “vascular” – blood vessel) disease (CVD), […]
Wisdom Teeth: Should They Stay or Should They Go?
Wisdom teeth, also referred to as third molars, get their name by being the last teeth to come in during young adulthood. As part of your dental visit, Dr. Randall will examine you to determine if your wisdom teeth are healthy and properly positioned. Every patient is unique, but in general, wisdom teeth may need […]